Monday, February 12, 2007

The 'Poo Lady' comes under the spotlight

Today's Guardian does a hatchet job on "Dr" Gillian Mckeith. I have always found her methods a little suspect, this article merely confirms my suspicions. We recently bought her cookbook and returned it for a refund because her recipes were so bad, it's hardly an advertisement for healthy eating!

But what I really object to is not her science or lack of it, but the way she humiliates her subjects each week by examining their bodily waste after they've been to the toilet. It's a sadistic ritual that does little to explain the dangers of unhealthy eating. Then there are the mountains of wasted food that are laid out on a table to demonstrate how badly her subjects eat. The whole programme seems to be more about shock value than anything else.

Last weeks programme featured a vicar that she managed to reduce to tears. If that wasn't enough, she then burst into the church whilst he was giving his sermon and took him away somewhere, right in the middle of the service. What self respecting clergyman would have his stool examined on prime time television? It doesn't bode well for the Church of England.